История авангарда и инноваций, а также семьи и традиций. Kemon — это компания, которая умеет предвидеть будущее и уже много лет назад начала выпускать продукты для здоровья волос на основе научных разработок и современного оборудования.
It’s a story of commitment, not only to being at the forefront of innovation but also to family and tradition. Kemon is true to itself and visionary: hair fashion becomes a lifestyle choice and the products an expert blend of science and nature. Beauty is uniqueness and melds substance and form, like the two sides of the same coin.
WINTER 2020/21 ︎︎︎ WINTER 2020/21 ︎︎︎ WINTER 2020/21 ︎︎︎ WINTER 2020/21 ︎︎︎ WINTER 2020/21 ︎︎︎ WINTER 2020/21 ︎︎︎ WINTER 2020/21 ︎︎︎ WINTER 2020/21 ︎︎︎ WINTER 2020/21 ︎︎︎
FALL 2020 ︎︎︎ FALL 2020 ︎︎︎ FALL 2020 ︎︎︎ FALL 2020 ︎︎︎ FALL 2020 ︎︎︎ FALL 2020 ︎︎︎ FALL 2020 ︎︎︎ FALL 2020 ︎︎︎ FALL 2020 ︎︎︎
Kemon Winter 2020/21 Hair fashion Collection ︎ Milan, October 2020 ︎ Shooting art direction Mauro Galzignato ︎ Hairstylists Davide Carlucci, Diego Comandulli, Riccardo Rogari, Matteo Sartini for Kemon Crew ︎  Photographer Gosha Pavlenko ︎ Stylist & Fashion producer Alessia Caliendo ︎ Mua Eleonora Juglair ︎ Backstage photographer Edoardo Gori for itm.srl ︎ Web design Nicholas Martini for itm.srl ︎ Lettering & Typo composition Letizia Acquisti for itm.srl ︎ Video Mark David Alunni, Camillo Carobi for itm.srl ︎ Editor in chief Alessandro Di Giacomo ︎ Powered by Kemon
@2021 designed by @itm.srl